Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Holiday in Calgary

This vacation was wonderful, I went to Calgary and stayed with my brother. In my vacation, it did not have the meaning of the morning. Because I always woke up at 11:00 o'clock. And in the evening, we bother were lazy, after we finished our dinner, we went to our rooms and did our own things. But there were some interesting part in his trip. On nov.23rd, we went to banff, because Calgary was snowing, everything became white, and the lake was frozen, I could even stand on that lake. Near the lake, it was a mountain, no very tall. But when you stood on this mountain and you looked that lake, you could see that lake had many colors, which was colorful. And after two days, the temperature was declined to subzero. We decided to go fishing. My brother told me that because the weather was so cold, I needed to wear more than two clothes and more than two pants. They could help me to against the cold. But went fishing, this thing was so boring, you just needed to hold the fishing rod, and stayed there, waited for your prey. You could not do anything during this time. But the result was so good, I got two fish, and my brother got three fish. This trip was amazing except my phone screen was cracked. Also because of the temperature, I thought my hands were frozen, I could not control my hands anymore, the phone was released from my hand to the ground.
In general, I love Calgary, but the temperature was not suited for me to live there, it was so cold.

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