Wednesday, December 9, 2015


May 1st.
We had a Mass in the main chapel to have a funeral for Sookan’s mom. Sister Reed arranged everything. I did not know what could I do, so I followed after Sister Reed. Everyone dressed up, so was I. I could see that Sookan could hardly keep from crying. She is a strong girl, but she’s just a girl. This thing was too huge for a girl.
May 3rd.
The final exam was coming. I had no time to play games, and no time to chat with my friends. I went to library to review. I liked the atmosphere in library; It is quiet and peaceful. I began to understand why Sookan liked to go to library after class, because this is the only peaceful place in the college campus. If I had enough time, I wish I could stay in library forever.
May 20th.
Time was fleeting. I could not stop time’s step, Sookan payed all of her attention at studying, Bengi had a girlfriend, so everyday he came back to dorm after 12 o’clock. I became lonely as same as when I went to this college first time. I did not like to waste my time on playing. I began to wear glasses and read some books from Renaissance. I began to understand why mom or my ancestors always said the difficult time can not hurt you, but it just can make you to grow and become strong.
May 31st.

This was the last day of my freshman year. I learned a lot in this year. I had good friends. I could not guess what will happen next year, Sookan could not predict that she will lose her mom after she went to America. Bengi could not predetermine if he will have a girlfriend in his first year of college. I also could not predict if I will like to study, like to exchange ideas with professors. My mom would be happy to see my change.

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