Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Diary entry

11/22/2015 Monday
Today I went to banff with my brother. Banff was the most beautiful park in Canada. But it was not crowed because today was Monday and Canadian thanksgiving day was not same as the American thanksgiving day. So I can not eat turkey these days. When I arrived to Banff, i was surprised. It was snowing, everything became white under the snow. There was a lake, but it was frozen I could even walk on it. Then I saw a mountain near the lake, when I stood on the mountain and took a look at that lake, it showed different colors under the sunlight. So beautiful. But the weather was so cold, we just played four hours and then we went back home. But snow-covered landscape was too beautiful. If the temperature increased, I would want to go there to see the mountain and lake without snow, which must be totally two different landscapes.

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