Wednesday, November 18, 2015

View of the Novel

View of the novel
Novel, until nowadays, I just read three different types of novels in English. One is Station Eleven, one is Gathering of Pearls, one is from here to where. 

Before I read Gathering of Pearls, I thought Station Eleven was the best English novel in my mind. But in my own thinking, I added some my own thinking into it, every young people like to read science fiction stories. For station eleven, it is a novel that has fictional parts in it.  After I read Gathering of Pearls. I did not only think, oh I finished read this book, I finished my assignment. But also at the same time, I wanted to know what will happen in the Sookan’s second year, third year, what will happen when she finished her college studying, will she come back to Korea, or because her mom died, there was nothing fascinated for her to go back to Korea, so will she stay in America to find a job and will she date with Tom? All the things I wanted to know.  

One of the most attractive thing for me is that what will Sookan do after her mom died? Even though in the ending she have already said she should forgive her sister, Theresa. But will it be easy? Two different thinking ways and two different cultures will make Theresa hard to understand Sookan. But also Sookan lived in America, she wanted to become independent rather than stayed behind her sister, but her sister wanted to control Sookan, so this conflict would make Sookan’s college life become difficult and interesting.

And also I was interesting in Sookan’s relationships with Ellen and Marci. Ellen and Marci had the most obvious personalities in American culture, so because of these two main characters, Sookan wanted to learn American culture and joined into the local people. But for me, I think Sookan wanted to live with Marci more than Ellen. Fist, Marci had the same personality with Sookan, shy, did not want to communicate with others, disagreed with her parents, wanted to become independent. These personalities were same as Sookan. And Sookan went to Marci’s family, they both cried and watched the sun set. For the young people, they must have the closer friendship. If we turned our vision to Sookan and Ellen. Ellen wanted to elope with her boy friend, Sookan wanted to explain to her to cancel this thinking, but Ellen did not listen to Sookan and they argued a lot. In the ending, I just knew Ellen talked with her mom about the marriage. And because of Sookan’s mom death, the conflict between Sookan and Ellen was never referred. And in the Sookan’s eyes, Ellen was a star in the night sky, talkative, positive, have organization ability. Which were too far to Sookan to pursue, they were fiends just because they were the roommates. In Sookan’s heart, she must think Marci was better than Ellen. 

In this year, for Sookan, it really happened a lot. Learned American culture, had many American friends, went to the mixer, her mom was died, this thing was overwhelmed for a young lady. But she was still pursuing her dream, she wanted to combine the American culture and Korean culture together to find her own thinking. She liked a Ugly Ducking, she just waited a day then she would become the swan. Before that, she needed to become a oyster,  the hurt can not poison her . Difficult times just can make her rich and strong. 

For me, an international student, I recommend others to read this novel, very realistic and attractive. Also this is a novel that talks about when a Korean girl went to American and studied in America alone. I am also an international student, so i would have the same feeling with Sookan. I really recommend other students to read this novel. 

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