Thursday, November 5, 2015

Capture the Before

Nov. 05. 2015

Capture the Before
Art, which means use pictures to express your opinion, and show them to the public. 
But today, I watched a different gallery. The artists used the old buildings and the light to remind us to care about the ancient building, we should not wait until they were destroyed or repaired again, then you would miss the original buildings. Cherish the time, do not wait until everything changed and you can not do anything for them. 
But in the beginning, I did not understand that why should we, the students studied the English should go there. I just took the doubt attitude to this gallery. Will it be amazing? What benefit will I get from it?  So I began to take a look to each picture.
There was a window on each picture. The light went throughout the window. The warm colors and cool colors stayed in one picture, but it did not make me feel strange, it gave a thinking about it should be two different types of colors. If the picture lose the warm colors, even though it was a place I walked everyday, but it would still gave me a sense of distance and long time ago. And if the picture lose the cool colors, the picture was not integrated. And it had many empty space, it divided the picture in two several groups, which made me feel comfortable and understood it’s space division easier. But at the same time, the designers explained their ideas. Which also made me understand why the Guarino wanted to us to watch this gallery. It did not only show these artists excellent photograph, but at the same time, they wanted to remind us to cherish the time, cherish everything that accompanies with you everyday, in the future, there will be one day you will lose them. 

For me, in China, I did not cherish the time when I accompanied with my parents. But when I arrived in America, and went to Cheshire Academy to study. I began to miss the time accompanied with my parents. For this gallery, it showed the same meaning. But after this exhibition, I began to think about what things should I cherish, my friends? The old buildings? Or  the things in China? All the things I need to cherish, at the same time, I need to improve myself to become better, leave no regrets.

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