Sunday, November 15, 2015

Peter Pan Review

Forever Peter Pan, Forever dream. 

When I knew I need to watch the drama about Peter Pan that was performed by my friends, my classmates. I can not believe that. Because in my childhood, I've already seen the Peter Pan's film, it was very interesting, many actors, amazing plot and the beautiful scenes. It was a wonderful product, but at the same time, it also showed that it needed to cost many money on it, many people, many times. So in the beginning, I can not believe that my friends can perform this mission, so I hold a suspect attitude to go to watch this drama. 

Because of their restrictions of places, of people. They add more communications and more actions to make up the restrictions of the places. But Mrs. darling and Mr. Darling gave me a new feeling about this story. And I think, Mr. darling, which John performed was amazing. Also they performed that, Wendy,John, Michael were under a huge pressure, so that was why these little children wanted to learn how to fly and then to escape from their homes. 

The plot was interesting, it did almost not make me feel boring. Peter Pan, I forgot who performed, she was really suited in this character, never wanted to grow up, always wanted to play without any pressure. She had already replaced the Peter Pan from Disney version to her. If I said Peter Pan was the most important character in this whole story, Mr. Darling was the most important character in the top half plot, so the Captain Hook was the most important character in the bottom half plot. They lead is to follow them, they could control our mind about the plot development. Captain Hook, compared with his followers, he always dressed up and stand straight. When he died, at that time, he stand the window and said he figured out he did many wrong things in the past. But, he did not have time to fix them up. So in the whole story, for me, the most influential character was Captain Hook.

In the ending, my friends did not revise the ending, it follows with the film, Hook died, Wendy and her two friends came back to their home and they became mature. But for Peter Pan, he did not want to leave Neverland, he just stayed on the Neverland and took Wendy to there every year. 

Peter Pan and their friends were great, but my friends were also wonderful, after I watched this drama, I can hardly wait to watch their next drama.  

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