Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Kevin's simple story

Once upon a time, Kevin went to Wuhan on Nov. 28, he went to Wuhan with Johnny in order to meet Randy who is the best friend for Johnny and Kevin. Kevin lived in Jinan and Johnny lived in Guangzhou. Because these two places are not nearly from Wuhan, Kevin needed to take 5 hours train to go there and Johnny needed to spend 4 hours on the train.

When they arrived to Wuhan, then they met Randy. These three guys did not think about where should they go and what would they do in Wuhan. Johnny and Kevin just wanted to talk with Randy about what did Johnny and Kevin do this year. So these three guys found a coffee shop, they ordered some food and drink, then they began to talk. Because these three guys are good friends, so they talked about many things, like school, computer games and their dreams. After they went out from the coffee shop, Johnny and Kevin felt hungry, so Randy took them to eat the local snacks. There was a reason that Kevin wanted to go to Wuhan, because of the local snacks. Which was very attractive for Kevin. Even though Kevin needed to spend five hours on the train to go to Wuhan and also used five hours to go back to his hometown. But in Kevin's thinking, he just needed to spend ten hours on the train, then he could see his friends and he can eat many delicious food, which was worthy.

This was the first time that Kevin went to another country without his parents. Before Kevin went to America, Kevin was afraid to go to another place with himself, but now he thought he became independent that he wanted to try to do something that depend himself.  After this journey, Kevin wants to accept more knowledge and try more new things in order to help him to become independent.

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