Thursday, January 28, 2016

The last blog about Me and You

In the end of the book” Me and You”, Lorenzo came back home. But I think there are two types of the ends. 

They are totally different, the first one ends at” She’d left me a note. This looks like a happy ending because Olivia promised to Lorenzo that she would not take drugs ever again. Then she asked and promised fro Lorenzo that they would meet after ten years. It is a really good ending. Lorenzo felt sympathy on others, and he did not think he was the best because there was sometime he felt useless. He grew up and for his half sister, Olivia, she promised to Lorenzo that she would not take drugs, and maybe because of Lorenzo, her relationship with her father would improve. And Lorenzo’s mom did not know what happened, she just know that her son was accepted by other children. She would happy, too. Then I remember the introduction of “ Me and You”, “ As soon as she moves away I pull a piece of paper folded into four out of my wallet. I flatten it on the able. “ Lorenzo really missed his halt sister and he loved Olivia because she was the most important person who changed Lorenzo’s personality. I would image that Lorenzo waited for his sister, after his sister came, they could talk for several hours. Lorenzo really wanted to tell to his sister that he grew up and he was not that boy who did not want to help her when she was standing out off the cellar’s door ten years ago. He imaged a lot. 

So before I read “ten years after” I felt happy. But after I finished reading this whole story, it was not a happy ending, Olivia was died at the Bar because of an overdose. Even though she promised to Lorenzo that she would not take drugs anymore but it was not easy to withdraw the drugs. And I think why she promised to Lorenzo that she would not take drugs anymore because of Lorenzo, but if there was no Lorenzo when Olivia waned to take drugs, how could she do? I was disappointed about this ending but I did not feel surprised about this ending because I’ve already known that Olivia took drugs for several years and even though she promised to her half brother about withdrawal, but there’s no opportunity for her to change, it was too late. Yes I did expect Lorenzo and Olivia that they could have a different kind of relationship after the time in the basement because I love Lorenzo. He’s stubborn and centralized but at the same time he was eager to make friends with others. When Olivia danced with him he felt something he’d never felt before.  Olivia was not a positive character in this book, she took drugs, sexed with an unfamiliar man and drunk. But when she found out Lorenzo saved her, she did not continue to say bad words and she began how good is her half brother. There’s an interesting part in the ending part, When Lorenzo asked Olivia when they got off here, where would she go, Olivia said she chose to go Bali to met her boy friend, then Lorenzo felt jealous and he though Roman was a lucky guy, Lorenzo would also like to go to Bali with Olivia. 

Lorenzo’s story was like a biography about what he learned and who he grew. He was from a centralized, inflated and self-proud boy changed to a boy who hold sympathy and outgoing boy. He was really smart, he knew how to act when he met with different people. There’s a description I liked the most in Chapter 9, “ He tidied up the cellar. Kill the mutant and he finished everything. Started reading Salem’s Lot again. Reading about vampiric metamorphoses.”  This was a development after he stayed long time with Olivia. I did not want to say that Olivia taught him how to behave I just wanted to say that we can not judge everyone by others’ opinions. Before Olivia and Lorenzo met, Lorenzo did not like Olivia because she did not treat their dad good, because after he stayed long time with Olivia he became felt sympathy to Olivia. So from Me and You,when Lorenzo met problem, first time he would want to his dad, his dad is Lorenzo’s dependence. If Lorenzo kept taking care of Olivia in this ten years, would she die? If Lorenzo’s parents took care about grandma Laura, would she die,too? So please spend more time with your friends, take care of them, there must be someone cares about you. 

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