Monday, April 25, 2016

Reflection of creative project

Opals are valuable for everyone, I also got some expensive gifts from Pobby and Dingan. Ashmol got the opal and sold it in order to get a funeral for his sister, Kellyanne. I got the expensive gift that could help me to understand every character deeply. In the class time, we always talked about the plot that happened in the story, but I always had some confusion ab0out if Ashmol did not decide to go to the mine? What will happen?  Lillian and I had the same idea about creating a new game that relates to the book but adds our own thinking into it. Even though we thought it would be hard, but we wanted to do it perfectly. 
In the creative project, Lillian and I separated the work into three parts, the first part is the outline, especially what would we do for the creative project and how could we use this game to make the audience get both fun and deep understanding to the story Pobby and Dingan. So for the outline part, we did almost one class, before we wanted to do a monopoly because we wanted everyone in our class can participate in the game. But then we figured out that it was hard to make connections between the game and the story. Moreover, it was hard to make a game that could invite all the classmates to play it. So we used another class period to re-design the game, then Lilian had an idea that we could re-write the story, like giving more choices that do not come from the book and more results for the audience to choose how to end the story. That sounds interesting but also it is very hard to accomplish because if we add more choices in the story, then the whole story may change due to one choice the audience made. So we discussed a lot for this new, challenging project. Even though we knew that it would consume many of our time to finish it, but we could give the audience a different feeling to the story. That sounds interesting. So from that time, we knew that the outline was the most important part of our project, if we finish the outline, then the whole project would be finished about almost 90%. Because I wrote a fictional story before, so I did more work on the design story, every choice needs to be connected with single answer, it may give me some challenge on writing and thinking part because when you write the first choice you make, then after few questions, you may figure out that you need to change your choice in order to match with your solution. So it is hard for me to design the whole outline, I did not let Lillian do the outline part with me together. Because I thought that if we did the outline together, we may write the outline separately. I needed to make the whole story to have the connection, two people both did the outline part, which would not be a smart choice. If Lillian did the outline part first, so I would not change anything on her outline because I understand everyone has their own thinking way, it was hard for others to write the outline that depends on your thinking way. So Lillian also understood my idea, when I wrote the outline part, she read the whole book again in order to give me more useful choice to create that fictional world. After I finished wiring the outline, Lillian began to read my outline in order to revise it better and because she read the book again, she may give me more idea about how does Ashmol do the choice. Ashmol is a hard character for me to guess his personality, when there’s a choice in front of me, I was hard to write the solution that Ashmol may decide when he met the problem. Fortunately, there’s Lillian, during her revising time, she improved many faults that I made in writing Ashmol’s personality, and she made the whole story more naturally. When she was revising the outline, I began to play Minecraft in order to create a mine that could give the audience a better vision about this creative project. Imaginary was a good thinking way but it was hard for the audience to understand our idea, so sometimes we needed to directly show the audience that what were we trying to convict. After I finished the mine, Lillian also finished the outline. Then we create a powerpoint in order to make us easier to play this game. 

After we finished showing our creative project to the audience, we both felt happy and proud. But there are still something we did not do very well, especially in the outline part, we wanted to do a perfect job in the outline part, but there are still some leaks in it, like Leo’s question about where’s Kellyanne when Ashmol goes to the police station, we needed to think about every detail in the book in order to prevent the questions from the audience. And the time also is not enough, I think if I have two more days, I could create the whole story in the Minecraft, it would be more interesting to play in the class. However I still thought our project was very good, for the outline, I thought there’s no one in our class did more work on planning outline than us, and I thought every player in our class would say our project is interesting and not hard to understand.  

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