Sunday, April 10, 2016

Creative project

Yichen. Li and Lilian Xu
Monopoly about Pobby and DIngan.
In this creative project, me and Lillian will do an adventure game, it is different with other games because the participants decide the main character's life. We will make the game according to the book, but maybe we will add some choice when Ashmol is making the decisions. We will start the game when Ashmol lost Pobby and Dingan and the end will be the funeral. Also we would add more emotional plots in the story in order to show the grow of the Ashmol. However, there are something related. First, the goal of this adventure game is to win, in Pobby and Dingan, they also won, they won the trial. So in the first, we make our game's goal is to win the trial. And We create several steps, each step means something happens in the book. When we play the game, we won’t tell the the Ashmol's choice in the book, so we circle something important plots in the story, like when dad, Ashmol, and Kellyanne went to the mine, when dad was in jail, when dad was in court, when Ashmol found the opal, when they made funeral for Pobby and Dingan. These things connect the small plots into a big story. When we play on these specific steps, we will use note cards to explain why they are important. Second, in the adventure game, we enlarge the characteristic of Ashmol. Because he is the pain character, so we add some unique characteristics for him. When every time he meets a problem, his choice must be considered by the audience. Audience can decide the thing he does that or not. He just wants a happy family, in his mind, he’s so timid. But because of Kellyanne, he has to afford everything. And in the game, the family members will interact with Old Sid, Mr. Dan, and the residents in the Lighting Ridge, so every thing in the game would change by the audience decision. In the end, audience will know the grow of the Ashmol.
Even though this is a hard game to design, but we have the passion for doing it, I hope we could get a good result. And for the time I think until this Friday, me and Lillian will have a draft about this adventure game, then after one or two weeks we can finish it.

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