Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pobby and Dingan Quiz

Before Kellyanne got sick, Ashmol never believed Pobby and Dingan are real. He just thought that Pobby and Dingan destroyed his family, his father went to jail, mom missed England in the midnight, everyone lived in the Lighting Ridge thought his father was a ratter. So he was angry about these two invisible characters. However, as the plot moves, Kellyanne gets sick deeply. Ashmol begins to feel worried and self-condemned to Kellyanne, he thinks that if he finds Pobby and Dingan, all things would be solved. When his sister wants him to go to Sid in order to find Pobby and Dingan, the reason is just about Kellyanne's premonition, but Ashmol agrees and goes to the Sid. He does not want his sister to die thinking he is the kind of Ashmol who does not believe anything. In the Sid, there are many weird things stimulate Ashmol and make Ashmol more curious. When he stands outside of the Sid, he sees many stars in the sky, he remembers his father told him that every star on the sky, there must be one opal under the ground. He remembers one unbelievable thing that this land where Lighting Ridge is now was once covered by seawater and how all kinds of sea creatures had been found fossilized in the rock. This thing makes him consider that if that sea was once here where now there's nothing but dry land. He begins to think that if this amazing thing was true it was possible Pobby and Dingan were true too. He never thought Pobby and Dingan were real before. But due to his sister, he had no choice, in his mind that family is more important than anything else. The only thing he could do is to make the people in his neighborhood believe his father is not a ratter, then his family can go back to normal. When he remembers this weird and unbelievable thing, he automatically makes this thing relating to Pobby and Dingan, he wants to make himself convince about his own guess. This thing is important because this is Ashmol first time making himself believe Pobby and Dingan, he's trying to convince himself.
Annie, Mom.
Imagination and dream are important for everyone. If there's no imagination, human can not create so many creative things. People do not know what do they pursue for without dream. Especially in this book, even though we could not see our dreams and imagination clearly, they are our goals that support us to do everything. For Ashmol's Mom, Annie. In one night, Ashmol suddenly knew that his mom felt bored about her husband and her life. She wanted to go back to England because when she was in England, she had nothing to worry, she smiled happier. For Ashmol's dream, when he got the opal, he wanted to sell it in order to get some money for him to buy tickets for his mom to go to England. These two characters' dreams are unseen and they hide deeply, they never told others about their dreams, but Kellyanne, she achieved her dream, she had two good friends, she can eat with them and play with them. She smiled happily as same as Ashmol's mom smile when she was in England. Annie and Ashmol also want to get this emotion, Annie is lonely in Lighting Ridege, Ashmol does not have any good friend. Mom is more mature than Ashmol, so she understands Kellyanne and that's why she protects Kellyanne every time when father and Ashmol told Kellyanne that P&D are unreal because mom also wants to have this kind of friend.

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