Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Writing is fun for me, I love the process when I write something. From my first draft to the final draft, I improve my content the most and I added many arguments in it. Every essay is a world, I need to use my thinking and my words to make it more specifically. In my first draft, I spent many times on summary, after I went to the writing center, I figured out that teachers wanted to know your analysis rather than the summary. Teachers were more familiar than you about the plot of the book, so the reason why they wanted to read your essay is to find your opinion to the book. So the difference between my first draft to my final draft is the content. I deleted a lot of summary and I added more quotations. Then I began to look my thesis statement and ending sentence, make them have some connections. So for my essay, it gradually becomes more specifically and more attractive for readers.

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