Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sook Nyul Choi

The research about Sook Nyul Choi 

Choi's native language is Korean.she was a refugee from north Korea and then she escaped from North Korea to South Korea. Then she migrated to United States because she wanted to continue to pursue her dreams. , so that is why she said I have two countries, my native country of Korea and my adopted country, the United States. She has two totally different cultures, so her writing style would be the unique, so she hoped she can use this writing style to share her own experience to her friends.  In her book, it is vivid to feel about the history, it is an autobiography. But may she did not want to stimulate herself so she change her main character's name to Sookan. Also her books were translated to several languages, so we could feel the influence from sook is very spectacular.  So every reader after read her book always said her stories reflect the politic , freedom, national interaction, she payed more attention on Asia history and also she talked about how the strong countries influences the small countries. 

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