Tuesday, October 27, 2015

In class writing

For many Chinese parents, eduction is a perpetual topic in their mind, especially for their children, they want their children to have the highest eduction under their protection. For me parents are no exception.
When I came to America, the first thing I felt that I was tiny, I was insignificant in this concrete forest. Now I think I agree with Sookan, she said the airplane was a giant bird, she felt uncomfortable. When she arrived in the airport, she felt she was tiny in this place. Same feeling. But at the same time I felt I was fortunate student, if I compared with Sookan. My mom accompanied with me, went through the airport, got our luggage and went to school. But when she first came to America. No one accompanied with her. She just can go through step by step with herself.  She was lonely, I was lonely,too. But our loneliness were different, she worried about her mom, her mom needed to do everything in Korea. And also she worried about her score. Because she needed her scholarship that helps her to continue to study in America. But for me, I would not be worried about these two things. I have a brother, he is very sensible, he could help my mom to do everything. And also I just need to continue to study in America, study deeply. I would not be as same as Sookan who studied many difficult courses in the first semester.
So I sympathize Sookan about her experience, but I also hope she could use her experience that transfers to the energy for her studying.

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