Thursday, October 29, 2015

Differences between Korean and America

In Korea, people always wanted to become normal. They do not want to look different with others.
In US, American wants to be unique; they do not want to look similar with others.
In Korea, I always needed to help my mom to do the all the housework. My brothers do not need to do everything
In the US, I can see the men and women can work together, not only women work in the kitchen.
In Korea, the younkers should to pay the bills; elders do not need to pay that.
In the US, people think that they just need to pay their own money for everything.
In Korea, parents decided the marriage
In the US, people can talk and decide the marriage.
In Korea, I just needed to study hard and then I can get the high scores.
In the US, I need to translate Korean into English, then make a whole sentence, and finally speak.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

In class writing

For many Chinese parents, eduction is a perpetual topic in their mind, especially for their children, they want their children to have the highest eduction under their protection. For me parents are no exception.
When I came to America, the first thing I felt that I was tiny, I was insignificant in this concrete forest. Now I think I agree with Sookan, she said the airplane was a giant bird, she felt uncomfortable. When she arrived in the airport, she felt she was tiny in this place. Same feeling. But at the same time I felt I was fortunate student, if I compared with Sookan. My mom accompanied with me, went through the airport, got our luggage and went to school. But when she first came to America. No one accompanied with her. She just can go through step by step with herself.  She was lonely, I was lonely,too. But our loneliness were different, she worried about her mom, her mom needed to do everything in Korea. And also she worried about her score. Because she needed her scholarship that helps her to continue to study in America. But for me, I would not be worried about these two things. I have a brother, he is very sensible, he could help my mom to do everything. And also I just need to continue to study in America, study deeply. I would not be as same as Sookan who studied many difficult courses in the first semester.
So I sympathize Sookan about her experience, but I also hope she could use her experience that transfers to the energy for her studying.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Discussion question about chapter 3 and 4

  1. Teachers’ advices are music and studio courses, but why did she finally choose world literature, religions and some hard courses? Just because of tuition? 
  2. Why did she didn’t say anything when she met Marci, silent to walk together to go to dining hall. 
  3. Does she think baby sitting for Bennetts on Saturday easy or hard?
  4. When they ate sandwich in a narrow path, they are silence, do you think this silence are as same as last silence, what did Sookan feel that Marci waited for her and did not go to dining hall?
  5. Why they talked about their best time? And they talked about their best friends, do you think Sookan thought Marci is her good friend?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sook Nyul Choi

The research about Sook Nyul Choi 

Choi's native language is Korean.she was a refugee from north Korea and then she escaped from North Korea to South Korea. Then she migrated to United States because she wanted to continue to pursue her dreams. , so that is why she said I have two countries, my native country of Korea and my adopted country, the United States. She has two totally different cultures, so her writing style would be the unique, so she hoped she can use this writing style to share her own experience to her friends.  In her book, it is vivid to feel about the history, it is an autobiography. But may she did not want to stimulate herself so she change her main character's name to Sookan. Also her books were translated to several languages, so we could feel the influence from sook is very spectacular.  So every reader after read her book always said her stories reflect the politic , freedom, national interaction, she payed more attention on Asia history and also she talked about how the strong countries influences the small countries. 

500-word about Kevin

Yichen. Li
English II (IS)
Jennifer Guarino
Oct. 12. 2015
                                                        Never stop
       Growth is a perpetual topic in our times. But one indisputable fact is that people
are always willing to create their own world to express themselves. For me, writing is my way to express my pressure.
       Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Yichen.Li, a high school student who studies in Cheshire Academy nowadays. But my friends always said I am different, because sometimes I am shy, I do not want to talk with other people. But, sometimes I am very loquacious, I can communicate with others for a long time. So it depends on my mood. I studied english from when I was in primary school, because my parents, they want me to become successful and have the high position in the world, and also in that time, American Dream, which was the hottest words for my parents, even though today I can not understand what means success, what is success. But I am still pursuing my parents’s dream. So my primary school is an international school, it has the english class and english teachers, every week we need to practice and communicate with the foreign language teachers. And in that time, I was a good student in my class. And I had a good habit, reading books, but almost in Chinese. I like reading books in any types, whatever it is tragic or comic, or utopian. I like to follow with the characters in their books, try to guess their thinking, and learn how to write a good story. So in my Grade 5 and Grade 6, my Chinese writing always got the highest score. Every time I talked with my friends, they frequently thought math was easy and writing was the hardest. They thought writing is boring and wasting time, but for me, I thought it is easy, every character under my writing would be vivid and attractive for every readers. So I I think the reason why they don’t write the good stories probably because they did not communicate with their characters when they wrote their stories. They didn’t put themselves into the story.
        I have already said I like any types of story. But the most attractive type of book for me is the science fiction book, because other books, like history books, you can check the history to write your own thinking. But, for science fiction books, the writers are creating their own world, it must be real. So I always like to read the science fiction books, then I would know what did the writers want to tell us. Also Utopian, this type of books I also like reading. After disasters, calamities, what will we have? What will we do? Unfamiliar, so unknown things would also attract me the most.
For me, my favorite book in english would be station eleven or Harry Potter. These two, one is science fiction, another one is Utopian. For me, an international student, I prefer to read English or Chinese books. They both are the language I am using. And I dislike the poem, not many words, but it contains many meaning, I can not figure out what did the writer truly want to say.
        Time never stop, I never stop growing, my dream is not only having high position in the society, but also I want to know what is the meaning of success. There is a book, it said “Success means you hold the highest power, you are the richest person in the world, it means success. “For some people, it is success, but for me, it is not. I am looking for the real answer about success. May be I will find the answer in a book in the future. And I also need to improve myself everyday.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015