Sunday, May 22, 2016

I accidentally Went into A Fairytale.

As time goes by, there are many things changed in my life. And I like writing some reviews in order to help me remember things easily, the most favorite thing I like to write down is about the movie review because directors always paid their whole efforts on the their products, which should be written down in order to help me to remember them in the future. 

Today I went into a music show called “Comedy Tonight that combined both singing and telling stories. I was very interesting about this music show because of the past experience because if the shows were not excellent, Ms. Guarino would not recommend us to watch. And in the past, Ms. Guarino was the director of the whole show, however this time, the scripts and actions are all made by students, which give me more interests to watch it because we are students and we may hold the same opinions on something. And also this time the show was not composed by one story that goes through the whole time. this show contained more than 18 programs that have in different contents. I was very exciting to see the whole show.

The first part of the show was very interesting and I loved the connections between each stories and the singing. In this part, I love the “Well, That’s Unfortunate”, William did such a great job on performing a person who received the monopoly money and he began to question himself. The most exciting part was then he talked with John who performed his boss that William was trying to explain to John that why he was late. At that time, I likes the influence from John’s words and also I loved William’s facial expression, which I told Johnny that I would be laughed about his facial expression at lease one week.  But be honesty, I liked the second part, especially for the” John Jiang, the Latte Boy” and “ Rebuttal” and also for the “ Morning Meeting Gone Wrong”, these two comic opera stimulated the atmosphere to go to the high point. John was a good person who can inspire the spot atmosphere lively, what ever he played the salesperson in Starbucks or the fake Dykeman. And also their stage art performance deeply attracts me from the show, except the laugh from Mr. Porter, I would image that i wander in a cafeteria and a Thursday morning meeting. However even they showed their best on the show, I could also see some sweat prickled across every actors’ head. Because of the hot temperature in the black box, they needed to overcome the pressure both from the audience and the damp and hot. But their effort made up the whole show interesting and connective. I would say that when the lights came on, I had a little loss because I wanted to watch the show a little longer and their performance really attracted me. 

When I came in the black box, the day does not get black. However after I finished watching the show, the day totally becomes black. I felt that I went into a fair tale that spent a day in it. This world had no connection with the outside real world. I was isolated with the real world. In this three hours I experienced many incredible stories and listened a lot of pleasant music in there that were all created by the students. I missed this stage because of this valuable and memorable time and also I was appreciated that they brought so much fun to the audience. 

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